Lior Molcho, productor de la película Two-Flags, compartió con el equipo de Silicon Imaging su experiencia usando la SI MINI para filmar MINIaturas. Una de las herramientas que mas ha llamado la atención para efectos especiales y compuestos, es el "Picture Overlay".

Lior, que ya ha probado estas herramientas en un rodaje con miniaturas, constata que a la hora de tener que igualar una toma real con la miniatura, esta herramienta les ha ahorrado tanto en equipo, con en postproducción. En las fotos pueden apreciar tambien el uso del SKATER DOLLY de P+S Technik.
From: Lior Molcho
To: ARI (Silicon Imaging)
Subject: SI-MINIatures
Hey Ari
How are you? I hope all is well
We had our Miniature shoot last week, I thought you'd might like the pictures. I must say that in addition to the already wonderfull abilities we had come to rely on from the MINI, we now add the picture overlay.
Having the ability to accuratly match the camera angle on the miniature with the already shot plate was incredible.

We matched exact perspectives and angles in camera without the need to output into a compositing software or relay on expansive on set mixing.
Also, being able to get right inside the miniatures (as you can see from the pics) thanks to the Mini's size saved costs of expensive "snorkel lens" systems.

So, here are some of the pics,
Keep up the good work!

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